Friday, June 22, 2012

Miracle salad

This salad was inspired from the famous "miracle drink" that is made of beet root,carrots and apples.
I came across this famous drink in the net and was bowled over by the benefits of this drink.

So I thought I will just try making a "Miracle salad". This is a veggie and fruit salad. The ingredients are beet root,carrot and apples.

The salad is very simple and easy to make. I hope the benefits are also the same as of the miracle drink.

Mix grated beet, carrots and apples.
This is a sweet salad. So you will not need any sauce in your salad.
That's a grape on top! Its purely optional.

Who will serve a salad in a wine glass?!!
I Will!! :D

Enjoy the salad.

Sending this "miracle salad" for Kirthi's and Denny's " Serve it raw " blogging contest.


  1. If the photos are ur very own pics then i think u shld put a copyrite symbol made by raji something pasted on the pic just like they write the names on the tubelites in temples.

    1. These tubelights are donated by me :)
      Done PK :)
